

Elegant simplicity, supreme adaptability!

Shotgun barrel polisher and cleaner

All these functions in one simple cleaning tool

Screws directly onto traditional 5/16 27 tpi rods

Screws directly onto traditional 5/16 27 tpi rods

It allows a 5/16 rod to accept 8-32 brushes

It allows a 5/16 rod to accept 8-32 brushes


Fits in Dewey adapter

Using the felt wheels and polishing compound it polishes and smooths the bore.

Borekisser's primary use is barrel polishing

The primary use of the Borekisser is as a bore conditioning head for shotgun barrels. Using the felt wheels and polishing compound it polishes and smooths the bore. A highly polished bore stays cleaner, lasts longer, and some say it reduces felt recoil.

Using the scrubbing wheels made of the gentlest non abrasive grade of Scotchbrite it scrubs the bore gently. The non abrasive pads mold themselves to the contours of the chamber, forcing cone, bore and choke, to push out fouling. The pads are used dry, with no oil. They last a long time and can be washed and used again and again. Replacement pads available.

Fitting the leather washers soaked in oil the Borekisser forces oil onto all parts of the bore surface.

Borekisser can also be used to oil the barrel

Leather wheels are used for close oiling of the barrel. The tight fit in the bore forces oil into the metal's pores.

Borekisser cleans better- using multiple heads on the shank and by varying the tightness of the retaining knurled nuts the diameter of the cleaning head can be vaired for a firm fit.

Borekisser cleans faster- a few passes with the dry pads will remove fouling.

Cheaper- the Borekisser system costs less than other cleaning heads, uses less oil.

Compact and super lightweight it can be taken anywhere and used with a pull through.

Borekisser is small enough to carry anywhere

Borekisser is lightweight- it weighs a few grams, is about the size of a 12 gauge shell and with a pull through can be used anywhere, anytime.


Over the Coals ebook cover.

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A PDF copy of the book "Over the Coals", a wonderfully illustrated guide to grilling and barbecuing.

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